Category Archives: SharePoint

SharePoint 2010, Managed Accounts, and failed password changes

SharePoint managed accounts are COOL!  The ability to have SharePoint manage your service account credentials auto-magically reduces repetitive tasks such as mandatory password changes on a large server farm.  System Admins just love managed accounts….

until they fail.

Failure Points
SharePoint keeps an encrypted copy of the credentials in the configuration store.  This works great *if* the credentials stay in sync with the credentials stored in Active Directory.  There are two common reasons why this credentials would get out-of-sync:

  • The password change fails but SharePoint thinks it was successful
  • The password is manually changed within AD but not within SharePoint

Regardless of the reason, the result is the same:  SharePoint has invalid credentials

Common Symptoms

  • SharePoint sites become unavailable displaying the ever popular
    “An unexpected error has occurred”
  • The server logs fill up with various authentication failed errors
  • The Central Administration –> Managed Accounts page errors out with
    “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error
    (This is our personal favorite symptom)

[Queue the soft sounds of sobbing in the System Administrator’s office]

Steps to resolve

1st:  Reset the managed accounts to a known password
You must get the service accounts being managed by SharePoint into a known state.  Change the passwords for each impacted service account to a known password.

2nd: Get access to the Central Administration –> Managed Accounts page
The Managed Accounts page will be in an error state.  This is because SharePoint is still attempting to manage the service accounts but fails because of invalid credentials.  To fix, we need to shutoff automatic password changes for all managed accounts.

Enter your local, friendly PowerShell console!

  1. Launch SharePoint’s PowerShell
  2. Enter the following command

Get-SPManagedAccount | where {$_.AutomaticChange -eq $true} |% {$_.AutomaticChange=$false; $_.Update();}

This command will force all managed accounts to NOT attempt an automatic password change.  Once completed, the Managed Accounts page will once again be available.

3rd: Reset impacted Managed Account passwords

  1. Launch Central Administration
  2. Navigate: Security –> Configure Managed Accounts
  3. Click the Edit icon for the impacted service account
  4. Click Change Password Now and select the Use Existing Password option
  5. Enter the new “known” password you created in the 1st step “Reset the managed accounts to a known password”

4th: Reset IIS
Reset IIS using the IISRESET or (our personal favorite) rebooting the server.

Final Thoughts

  1. You will need to reset each managed account’s automatic password change to meet your own corporate policies.
  2. Make a backup!

Configuring Forms Based Authentication (FBA) for SharePoint 2010

While DRAM and Hard Drives continue to get faster, cheaper, and better, our human powered storage systems seem to get slower and more leaky with age.

To help augment our memories with the common task of installing and configuring SharePoint 2010 Claims/ Forms Based Authentication, we are publishing our internal “How did we do this last time” guide.

We hope this PDF helps someone else out as much as it has helped us!

[EDIT Jan 2013: Updated PDF to include details on object cache / super reader issues]

PDF is available at this link

SharePoint 2010 Managed Metadata Columns–Required Feature is not Enabled

Every once in awhile, we run into a situation with SharePoint 2010’s Managed Metadata where the feature is not enabled and not available.

Here is the scenario:

  • You are creating a new column of type “Managed Metadata”
  • When selecting the managed term set, you discover the following message:

The required feature is not enabled for this column type


  • You navigate to
    Site Actions –> Site Settings –> Site Collection Administration –> Site Collection Features
    … and discover there is *no* managed metadata feature…


(All steps below must be executed on the server hosting SharePoint 2010)

  1. Launch the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell from the start menu/All Programs
    Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products –> SharePoint 2010 Management Shell
    (Wait for it… it is slow)
  2. Execute the following command line at the prompt
    (Remember to replace [URL] with your site’s URL)

Enable-SPFeature -id “73EF14B1-13A9-416B-A9B5-ECECA2B0604C” -url  [URL]

Root Cause
In our experience, this has been the result of creating the top level site in the site collection using the Blank Site template.


Now, go enjoy your meta data!